
Moby Dick - Ed. Burlington - 9789963475568

This classic adventure story takes us on a voyage, in which young Ishmael joins the crew of the Pequod as they venture out to sea in search of the great white whale, Moby Dick. Ahab, the captain of the whaling ship, lost his leg to the formidable whale in a battle. Now, he's thirsty for revenge and his mission is to kill Moby Dick, but this is not an easy task.
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This classic adventure story takes us on a voyage, in which young Ishmael joins the crew of the Pequod as they venture out to sea in search of the great white whale, Moby Dick. Ahab, the captain of the whaling ship, lost his leg to the formidable whale in a battle. Now, he's thirsty for revenge and his mission is to kill Moby Dick, but this is not an easy task.


Ficha técnica

A2 - 4º ESO