
Channel to the future - Ed. Burlington - 9789963475599

Jordan Connelly is an ordinary teenager, until one day, he accidentally discovers a mysterious channel on his family's new TV. Jordan's friends think he's a psychic because he sees events on the Channel to the Future the day before they happen. At first, he's very excited. But then things start to get out of control and Jordan finds himself in a life-and-death situation. Can he change the future?
10,90 €

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Jordan Connelly is an ordinary teenager, until one day, he accidentally discovers a mysterious channel on his family's new TV. Jordan's friends think he's a psychic because he sees events on the Channel to the Future the day before they happen. At first, he's very excited. But then things start to get out of control and Jordan finds himself in a life-and-death situation. Can he change the future?


Ficha técnica

A2 - 4º ESO