
A Sense of Danger - Ed. Burlington - 9789963471287

Sixteen-year-old Australian twins Jody and Jonathan are relocated with their family to Spain. Jonathan, who has strong telepathic instincts, has a bad feeling about the move. On the flight to Spain, the twins meet Spanish brother and sister, Rafa and Blanca. Then they see armed men who they think are terrorists but turn out to be air marshals. In Spain, the twins become friends with Rafa and Blanc
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Sixteen-year-old Australian twins Jody and Jonathan are relocated with their family to Spain. Jonathan, who has strong telepathic instincts, has a bad feeling about the move. On the flight to Spain, the twins meet Spanish brother and sister, Rafa and Blanca. Then they see armed men who they think are terrorists but turn out to be air marshals. In Spain, the twins become friends with Rafa and Blanca but when Rafa seems very interested in their father’s business, Jonathan’s instinct tells him that something suspicious is going on. But what?


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