The Mad Teacher - Earlyreads Level 2 - Ed. Vicens Vives

The Mad Teacher - Earlyreads Level 2 - Ed. Vicens Vives - 9788431690205

Cristina Ivaldi Teachers are often rather strange people, particularly English teachers! They repeat the same words and ask children to say and do absurd things. This teacher, however, is not just a bit strange, but really mad... raving mad!By the end of the story children realise that a mad teacher is better than a sane and boring one! Cristina IvaldiLos profesores son generalmente gente ‘ext
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Cristina Ivaldi

Teachers are often rather strange people, particularly English teachers! They repeat the same words and ask children to say and do absurd things. This teacher, however, is not just a bit strange, but really mad... raving mad!
By the end of the story children realise that a mad teacher is better than a sane and boring one!

Cristina Ivaldi

Los profesores son generalmente gente ‘extravagante’, ¡sobre todo los de inglés! Repiten miles de veces la misma cosa, piden a los niños de decir y hacer cosas absurdas. Este profesor, sin embargo, no es solo extravagante, está propio loco, es más, ‘completamente demente’.
No obstante todo, ¡los niños llegarán a la conclusión de que es mejor un profesor loco que uno sabio y muy aburrido!
Al texto se une una guía de regalo con traducción.

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